Tiantian Gong
Email: tiantian.gong@yale.edu
I am currently a Postdoc hosted by Dr. Ittay Eyal at Technion and Dr. Fan Zhang at Yale.
I received Ph.D. and M.S. in Computer Science from Purdue University, advised by Dr. Aniket Kate. I studied financial engineering as an undergraduate.
My current research interests are in secure distributed computations.
Working paper
V3rified: Revelation vs Non-Revelation Mechanisms for Decentralized Verifiable Computation. Athina Terzoglou,Tiantian Gong, Aniket Kate, Alexandros Psomas. 📄 [arXiv]
Conference publications
* indicates main contributors; otherwise alphabetical
[9] Disincentivize Collusion in Verifiable Secret Sharing. [Eurocrypt 25]
Tiantian Gong, Aniket Kate, Hemanta K. Maji, Hai Nguyen.Â
[8] Recover from Excessive Faults in BFT SMR. [USENIX Security 25]
Tiantian Gong*, Gustavo Camilo, Kartik Nayak, Andrew Lewis-Pye, Aniket Kate. 📄 [eprint]
[7] Rational Secret Sharing with Competition. [FC25]
Tiantian Gong, Zeyu Liu.
[6] The Case of FBA as a DEX Processing Model. [FC25]
Tiantian Gong*, Zeyu Liu, Aniket Kate.
[5] More is Merrier: Relax the Non-Collusion Assumption in Multi-Server PIR. [S&P24]
Tiantian Gong*, Ryan Henry, Alexandros Psomas, Aniket Kate. 📄 [arxiv]
[4] Front-Running Attack in Sharded Blockchains and Fair Cross-Shard Consensus. [NDSS24]
Jianting Zhang*, Wuhui Chen, Sifu Luo, Tiantian Gong, Zicong Hong, Aniket Kate.Â
[3] FairPoS: Input Fairness in Permissionless Consensus. [AFT23]
James Chiang, Bernando David, Ittay Eyal, Tiantian Gong. 📄 [eprint]
[2] Towards Overcoming the Undercutting Problem. [FC22]
Tiantian Gong*, Mohsen Minaei, Wenhai Sun, Aniket Kate. 📄 [FC22] [arxiv]
[1] OpenSquare: Decentralized Repeated Modular Squaring Service. [CCS21]
Sri AravindaKrishnan Thyagarajan*, Tiantian Gong*, Adithya Bhat, Aniket Kate, Dominique Schröder. 📄 [eprint][talk]
Relax the Non-Collusion Assumption in Multi-Server PIR.
Workshop on Private Information Retrieval Systems at Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium, July 2024.
IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy, May 23, 2024.Â
Deter Privacy-Targeted Collusion in Multi-Server PIR and VSS.Â
Technion, March 18, 2024.
FairPoS: Input Fairness in Permissionless Consensus.
Advances in Financial Technologies, October 24, 2023.
Order but Not Execute in Order.Â
Seminar organized by Dr. Christian Cachin, October 31, 2022.
Towards Overcoming the Undercutting Problem.Â
Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2022, May 1-7, 2022.
CMU winter series, Jan 27, 2021.
OpenSquare: Distributed Repeated Modular Squaring Service.
ACM CCS 2021, November 17, 2021.
Brave Research, November 17, 2021.Â
Academic services
PC: FC 2025, ICDCS 2025, CryptoValley Conference 2025
Sub-review: S&P 2020&2023-2024, TCC 2024, CCS 2020-22, CSF 2022, FC 2022-24, ICDCS 2022, AFT 2022.